Dearborn Family Dentistry

Do I Really Need to Get My Wisdom Teeth Taken Out?

Feb 27, 2024 @ 01:53 PM — by Mark Luria, DDS
Tagged with: Wisdom Teeth

We get a fair number of questions about the removal of wisdom teeth. These third molars emerge in young adulthood and tend to cause a lot of problems for people as they get older. The most common question we get is whether or not wisdom teeth need to be extracted.

The team at our DearbornMI, dental office would like review some of the basics of wisdom teeth removal so that you can decide if you should get in touch with us about your wisdom teeth.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Should Be Removed

An impacted wisdom tooth is a wisdom tooth that is emerging at the wrong angle. This can lead to issues with the nearby molars as well as the jawbone.

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, the team at Dearborn Family Dentistry advises you to speak with a dentist about extraction options. Not getting the impacted tooth removed can lead to various health problems (we’ll touch on those in a moment).

Even if Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming in Straight, Extraction May Be Worthwhile

We should also note that extraction is a good precaution even if your wisdom teeth seem to be coming in straight. Removing these unnecessary third molars reduces the risk of health issues developing down the road.

Problems Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Below are some of the most common and concerning problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth. If these sound familiar, we encourage you to visit our Dearborn office as soon as possible.

Toothaches and Jaw Pain

Impacted wisdom teeth can put pressure on the nearby rear molars as well as the jawbone. It really depends on how they are angled. This pressure can cause persistent dental pain affecting the back of your mouth and your jaw.

Damage to Your Rear Molars

The overcrowding caused by impacted wisdom teeth can lead to more than pain. Over time, the wisdom teeth could damage the structure of the adjacent molars, leading to cracks and other serious structural compromises.

Difficulty Cleaning Your Back Teeth

As crooked wisdom teeth emerge, excessive crowding can make it difficult to brush and floss your rear molars. This increases the chances of tooth decay and gum disease affecting the teeth at the back of your mouth.

Oral Cysts

When a wisdom tooth has not properly emerged or is only partially erupted, it can cause the formation of a cyst on the gum tissue. This dentigerous cyst (a type of odontogenic/follicular cyst) is not necessarily dangerous, but it can lead to pain and discomfort.

Increased Risk of Root Canal Infection

All of the above issues involving poor oral hygiene, cavities, and periodontal inflammation increase the chances of a root canal infection. This could affect your second molars or the wisdom teeth themselves.

Is There an Ideal Age for Wisdom Tooth Removal?

When it comes to wisdom tooth extraction, the sooner the better. These third molars tend to arise between ages 17 and 25. If you’re a teen or young adult and see our dentists for regular cleanings and checkups, we will monitor the development of your wisdom teeth and offer our recommendations accordingly.

Worried About Your Wisdom Teeth? Request a Consultation

If you’re experiencing pain, tooth decay, or more serious problems related to your wisdom teeth, relief is available. To discuss your treatment options, contact Dearborn Family Dentistry today.